by Veronica
(Costa Rica)

I will get a Yorkie puppy very soon. He is 1 and 1/2 months old and i am afraid about vaccines. I have read about nosodes for parvo and distemper from the brand PETALIVE. I want to know how safe they are and when to use them and the doses to vaccinate the puppy with them if that really works.

He has not received any regular vaccines yet. Please give me your recommendations and when to use them and doses. I had a beagle and he is having bad allergies. he received the first core vaccine and i also want to use the nosodes on him but he is 4 and 1/2 months old.
Thank you very much.

From Costa Rica

Comments for Vaccines – Nosodes

Mar 01, 2015My Online Vet Response for: Vaccines-Nosodes
by: Dr Carol Jean Tillman

March 1, 2015

Hi Veronica,
My experience with nosodes is limited. Referring to my teacher Dr Richard Pitcairn, and his book Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, he has discontinued the use of nosodes. Some other holistic veterinarians still use them, but in a limited capacity. See Dr Don Hamilton, Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs,

In my opinion, a puppy needs to have at least one conventional vaccine, but it should be given at an age when the pup has a mature immune system and the maternal antibodies (from the mother) have worn off. This is at 10-12 weeks of age for Distemper, and after 16 weeks of age for Parvo.

Veterinary behaviorists feel that puppies still need to have proper socialization between the ages of 8-12 weeks of age. They do NOT mean that all puppies need to be vaccinated at that age. They can be socialized under supervision at a veterinary hospital where all of the puppies have had a physical exam and are healthy. (and a negative fecal!)

At your home, where people and their ‘healthy’ adult dogs can visit and socialize with your puppy. (Make sure all guests take their shoes off at the door, so they do not track in Parvo virus!)

After your puppy receives the first vaccination at 4-5 months of age, then a booster can be given one month later. I would wait until she is OVER 6 months old before giving her a Rabies vaccination.

According to Dr Ron Schultz, (veterinary immunologist) “if dogs and cats between the ages of 6 months to 2 years of age receive one to two vaccinations, they have enough immunity to last the rest of their life.”–-may-2013.html

Regarding your Beagle, you wrote,
“I had a beagle and he is having bad allergies. he received the first core vaccine and i also want to use the nosodes on him but he is 4 and 1/2 months old.”

I would NOT give your Beagle any more vaccinations until you have treated him for allergies. You can do an antibody titer at that point to see if he has enough protection to not need any vaccinations. If there is a ‘holistic’ veterinarian in Costa Rica that could write an exemption form for your Beagle to avoid vaccinations, that might help.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Of course, a healthy, raw diet would also help your puppy. NO DRY dog food. See our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options,

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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