by Wendy
(Arizona, USA)

Something is really wrong with my dogs eyes. She won’t open them at all, and when she did for a second they are really red and look like they have mucus or a coating of some sort over them. I wanted to upload a photo, but she wouldn’t open her eyes long enough for me to take a picture.

My dog, who is a 4 year old female golden retriever, was acting fine a few minutes ago when I took her out to the bathroom. After I had to pull her leash to keep her away from someone walking by, a few minutes later I noticed she almost ran into the wall. Now she refuses to move.

I noticed she was having some issues a few days ago when she wouldn’t eat her treats or anything else. She did not go to the bathroom (#2) all day and never touched anything I gave her to eat.

Her eyes were swollen and red, she had no appetite and she threw up 1 time (it was a weird bright yellowish-orange foamy vomit). I watched her and she was fine and back to normal within 24 hours.

I am really worried about her and would have already taken her to the vet, but I am going through a very difficult time right now and am staying in a hotel until I can find a place to live. Any money I have is needed to get a place to stay the night. I will take whats left to help her if I have to.

Please let me know what to do.


Comments for Something’s Wrong with My Dog’s Eyes – Emergency Situation

Feb 26, 2010Online Response Something’s Wrong with my Dog’s Eyes
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman
Hi Wendy,
It is really difficult to prescribe without a photo, especially when it sounds like an emergency situation. I can only guess, but from the history you described I would suspect that your dog has had a severe allergic reaction to some substance or an acute viral or bacterial infection.

If you have a thermometer it would be nice to know if she has a fever. The normal temperature for a dog is 101-102 degrees Fahrenheit. That would tell us that she has an infection.

If her temperature is normal, then I suspect that she has had an allergic reaction. Give her the homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonica 6c or 12c. One pellet by mouth every hour for 3 hours. If she has not improved try either Apis mellifica 6c or 12c, or Pulsatilla 6c or 12c. Same dosage for either one.

In the meantime, whether she has a fever or an allergic reaction, it will make her more comfortable to use some warm water to clean her eyes, soaking a Kleenex in water and gently rubbing across her eyelids. You can drip some olive oil into her eyes to help lubricate them, which may relieve some of the pain. Health food stores will carry an eye rinse containing Euphrasia, which would be very good in this case to use to rinse her eyes, followed by the olive oil dripped into her eyes every 2-4 hours.

Keep the light very dim. Give her plenty of fluids, water, chicken broth, beef bouillon, or chicken or turkey baby food, if she is not vomiting.

She should be seen by a veterinarian if she has not improved in 24 hours-36 hours, or if she continues to vomit, or she continues to have a fever.

A holistic veterinarian would be more familiar with the homeopathic treatments I have suggested. Otherwise, just take her to a regular, conventional veterinarian. To find a holistic veterinarian go to Health/Wellness, and click on Alternative Care, then scroll down to find a vet in your area.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Eye Problems,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Eye Problems Section

Sep 24, 2014My dog had a reaction an won’t open his eyes
by: Amanda My 4 yr old mastiff mix started scratching at his face a few nights ago , and I’ve givin him Benadryl witch helped with him scratching his head . However now he won’t open his eyes , I’ve been keeping them clean with a warm rag gently wiping his eye lids . But now it almost looks like his eyes have turned blue almost as if he was blind . He’s been running into things since his reaction and I believe the reaction was caused by food change but as soon as I noticed the scratch I waited 24 hrs and changed his good back . Could he have gone blind from a reaction ? Please help me I don’t know what I’d do without him !

Sep 24, 2014My Online Vet Response for: Something’s Wrong with My Dog’s Eyes-Emergency Situation
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman September 24, 2014

Dear Amanda,

Please take your Mastiff to a veterinary ophthalmologist ASAP.

The allergic reaction you describe that has caused his eyes to turn a blue color and now he seems blind, may be from canine uveitis. This is an inflammation of the iris and uvea/choroid of the eye. It is a severe problem that can cause permanent blindness. Your question states that this started a few days ago, I do hope that permanent damage has not already occurred.

Of course, your dog may only have scratched his corneas, and caused an ulcer on the cornea, but that is still very painful, and he should be treated immediately.

Your question came to me tacked on to the end of another question from a subscriber. We only accept new questions from subscribers (the original question above was from a subscriber). Once you have seen the ophthalmologist, if you still have questions, then sign up below.

I’ll then get back to you right away at the bottom of your newly created web page.
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Jul 17, 2015Mixed chow chow NEW
by: Anonymyous Cataract in one eye its red and has mucus in both eyes

Jul 17, 2015My Online Vet Response for: Something’s Wrong with my Dog’s Eyes-Emergency Situation NEW
by: Dr Carol Jean Tillman July 17,2015

Dear Anonymous,

At this time, I am no longer answering questions online. It would be best to take your dog to a veterinarian or, better yet, find a local holistic veterinarian to help.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Take care
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

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