by Alisha

Close-Up of Dog's Belly Growth

Close-Up of Dog's Belly Growth

Close-Up of Dog's Belly Growth

Dog's Belly Growth

When my dog Cali was about two years old she had a small (1/8th - 1/4 in) growth on her side / belly. It was covered by her short fur though so I was unable to get a good look at it. I took her to the vet and they told me that it was precancerous and needed to be removed. $500 later it was removed leaving a large scar but no cancer.

About a year later I met a woman that used to breed pit bulls and she said that there was only a 10% chance that it would have ever turned into full blown cancer. So when Cali got another similar but smaller growth on her lower back I wasn't too worried about it. She still has it (over a year later) but it has never grown any more and does not seem to bother her at all.

About six months ago she got another growth on her belly. This is the first one that I can really see because her hair is so fine on her belly. It is a healthy pink color. However, it has grown from about a quarter inch to about half an inch now.

Over the last two months I noticed that she had been licking it (which she didn't do with the others). Then a few nights ago I realized that she had been messing with it enough that it started bleeding. I don't know whether she was scratching it or biting it.

I just came home 3 days in a row to it bleeding. Now it is scarred up a bit at the part where it attaches to her from the bleeding.

I've touched it a couple of times and it never seems to bother her. It feels very soft and a little pliable.

I have attached the best pictures I could get. She wasn't being very cooperative today.

Also, I have noticed over the past three months or so that she seems to be having a harder time going from a laying or sitting position to a standing position and she has been having obvious muscle stiffness when getting up after laying/sitting for a while. This could just be due to her getting older but I wanted to let you know jut in case it was connected.

Cali is a pit bull/terrier mix. I got her as a young puppy from the pound about six years ago.

Comments for Soft Pink Growth on Dog's Belly is Getting Bigger

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Jun 02, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Soft Pink Growth on Dog's Belly is Getting Bigger
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

June 2, 2013

Hi Alisha,

The photos you submitted of Cali show what I call a 'benign' pedunculated, (means hanging by a 'stalk') skin tag.

I do not know what has suddenly caused her to start scratching and making it bleed. But I appreciate you adding in another symptom of stiffness in her hind quarters, slow to get up and lay down.

From the MacRepertory Program which catalogs homeopathic remedies to symptoms:

1. Wart, pedunculated
2. Back, stiffness, painful
3. Lumbar region, stiffness
4. Skin, wart bleeding
5. Skin, wart itching

The top three remedies are Nitric acidum, Causticum, and Rhus-tox.

Here's what I suggest:

Start with the Rhus tox (full name is Rhus toxicodendron, derived from poison ivy), in the 6C or 12C potency. When you purchase it from Health food stores it will come in a small vial, and usually costs $5-$7.

Take off the cap and pour ONE pellet into the cap. Do not touch the remedy with your fingers. Then place the pellet into a 2 OZ glass eye dropper bottle, and fill it with Spring water.

Shake the bottle 20 times by hitting it against the palm of your hand.

Draw up the liquid into the eyedropper, it will only go up halfway, that's how much you give her. Lift up Cali's lip and squirt it into her mouth, to wet her gums, tongue, lips etc. anywhere it can touch mucous membrane. She does not necessarily need to even swallow it, it will absorb through mucous membrane.

Store this bottle and the original pellets in the door of the refrigerator or any cool, dark location away from computers, cell phone, electrical outlets, bright sunlight, etc.

Give her 1/2 dropperful of the liquid Rhus tox THREE to FOUR times daily for the first 3 days. Then decrease to two times daily for the next 3 weeks. Report back to this site on her progress.


Jun 02, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Soft Pink Growth on Dogs Belly is Getting Bigger PART TWO
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Alisha,

Here is the rest of my response for Cali.

Also, buy some Rescue Remedy, the one for HUMANS in alcohol,

Put 20-30 drops into a 4-6 oz pump spray bottle and fill with Spring Water. Store in refrigerator. Spray this on the growth as OFTEN as needed. If you need to do it every 15 minutes that will not overdose her. Since it will be cold, it will help to cool down her skin. Rescue Remedy is used to calm down the emotions, and it will also help to calm down the skin. Therefore, even if she licks it, will will help to decrease her anxiety, and will calm her down too.

A holistic veterinarian would be best to see in person, regarding monitoring the case, and also to write an exemption form for Cali to AVOID future vaccinations. Vaccinations will contribute to the formation of more of these growths.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Improving her diet would also help her to heal and improve her health so she will not be susceptible to forming MORE of these growths.

See our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options, and consider feeding her a RAW diet, or a partially raw diet. But NO MORE DRY dog food!!

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the 'click here to add your own comments' link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
- Dog Warts
- Dog Skin Conditions
- Ask a Vet Online Library - Dog Warts, Cysts and Strange Growths Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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