by Denise Libby
(Coral Springs, FL)

Skin Lumps

Skin Lumps

Approx. two weeks ago little bumps appeared on her flank. They grew in diameter and then began appearing all over her body. The bump oozes (no pus) and scabs. Approx. 50 – 75 sites from head to toe.

Regular vet did needle aspiration of 4 sites with no real diagnosis (due to poor collection). Wanted to put her on antibiotics and do biopsy.

Holistic Vet put her on congeplex and dermal support as he is unsure what this is.

She is not itching, but seems uncomfortable. Wears blow up e collar to prevent licking.

Would like some direction as to what this is and how to care for it.

12 year old spayed female golden retriever. Raw food/home cooked diet only.

3 months ago had liver lobectomy due to benign hyperplastic nodule.

Comments for Skin Lumps/Lesions on Flank – Allergic Reaction or Unhealthy Skin?

Jul 23, 2009Dr. Carol Jean Tillman’s Response
by: Online Vet Response

Hi Denise,
The photo you posted shows lesions that I would consider to be more typical of an allergic reaction and more typical of unhealthy skin, that is slow to heal. Especially considering how quickly they have appeared, and how fast they have spread. You did not mention if she has had any blood work done. A blood sample would be helpful in differentiating between an infection vs an allergy.Also, a culture & sensitivity would tell if there is a bacterial cause.

If she has been on a raw diet all of her life, she should be pretty healthy. Therefore, I would look for recent exposure to vaccinations, drugs, (such as the anesthesia she had for the liver lobectomy), any other toxins in her environment, pesticides, fertilizer. or even exposure to insects.
The cause of the problem will determine the treatment. In the meantime, providing internal support for her immune system, and external support for her skin will be best. Such as bathing with an oatmeal/aloe shampoo, and supplementing with Vitamin C, (the buffered form) and Immuplex, a glandular supplement to support the immune system.

I would also check the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy site for a veterinarian trained in homeopathy. A diagnosis is not really necessary to treat the disease, since homeopathic remedies are selected based on the symptoms of the patient.

Please keep us posted by adding comments further down this page.

Take care,

Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER This educational advice is based on the depth of your question
and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of
your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Warts,
Dog Skin Conditions,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Warts, Cysts and Strange Growths Section

Sep 10, 2010Have you thought of Yeast problem?
by: Anonymous

My dog had the same problem but scabbed over, then the pus and open wound she also had under armpits had a yeasty white substance with little blisters and black greasy stuff on inside of her little legs.

I used peroxide on a cotton ball and it went away. Today it was confirmed she does have a yeast skin problem and bacterial infection (bumps). My poor baby girl – I thought it was just tough dirt as she is short legged. I am glad I found out and she is a happier dog. There are shampoos that also help these issue’s.

Oh, and the first time we took her to the vet he said it was allergies. WRONG! We were persistent about finding the problem. I had a friend her dog got so bad she thought of putting him down. Then she discovered it was a yeast skin problem with bacterial infections also! So just hang tough and take a break for half a day when you get frustrated but… stay with it!

Feb 27, 2011re the yeast infection & bumps
by: Anonymous

Anonymous, thank you for your input. I landed here today after Google-ing about my 3 yr old schnauzer’s itchy lumps/bumps AND those little red pimply things that are itchy, and when they burst and the little bit of puss comes out they become a larger weeping sore that drives her nuts. Her discomfort & itching & licking is so upsetting to watch.

I use a 2mg tablet of Polaramine which a compound Chemist told me would be OK for her size, to soooth her distress BUT how to resolve the problem?

I know it’s a form of allergy and her immune system is weakened due to a life threatening episode a year ago & life support for 10 days. It was a miracle she survived, so it’s awful to see her suffering daily now.

QUESTION: Did the peroxide work for the lesions and the bumps too? What strength peroxide did you use? I’m worried I will cause more problems!

Aug 18, 2011Releated symptoms
by: Anonymous

My dog has the same condition and I find the scabs come away taking some hairy from the coat with it, are there any other ill affects this condition can cause, such as loss of bladder control, or persistent drinking of water and/or a chesty cough.

Mar 31, 2012Finally some help
by: Anonymous

My dog has the same symptoms. He has a bump on the side of his head that itches so much he goes crazy. The bump bursts and has this awful smell to it. I noticed my dog is constantly thirsty. He is quite old but is part of our family. I do want to know if the peroxide helped and what strength. I have taken him to the vet and I have spent $500 and tests came back good so than he was put a very strong antibiotic and now I am being told that he might have a resistant bacterial infection because it does not go away. I am starting not to believe them. Any help would be appreciated.

Nov 22, 2014excessive drinking concerning
by: fellow dog owner

I also have black lab with scaly sores that sometimes have a small amount of bloody oozing if the scale come off before the skin below it heals. The sores smell. According to some of the internet sights, the smell is a hall mark sign of dog seborreah. Usually, we deal with this in the fall indicating a seasonal allergy. I have found some tricks that have helped in the past and I will pass them into you. However, please realize your dog’ s skin condition, including seborreah, can be a warning sign to a medical condition that needs immediate attention. These conditions include hypothyroidism,which may be easily controlled with inexpensive thyroid medication and diabetes to name a few. The dog’s excessive drinking may be a sign of diabetes, just as it is in humans and your vetererinarian should be alerted to this symptom promptly. Dogs on steriods such as prednisone will drink a lot, but you didn’t mention any
steriod medication.
Since I thought my dogs skin sores were due to outdoor allergens I wash him off after he returns inside, especially before we turn in for the night. He usually has the irritated feet also. I fill up a sink with warm water and put in about an 1/8 to 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. ( I have used white vinegar intead also). Vinegar must be deluted , because it is an acid and it will burn your dog’s skin and feet if used full
strength. I place a towel in the water and vinegar solution and wipe him down with it. I put a little of the solution in a plastic container and dunk each foot, one at time, also. I
then dry him with a clean towel. He loves this routine! The
vinegar also makes him smell a lot fresher and really seems
to speed the healing of the sores. It also helps prevent these
open sores from becoming infected. I frequently wash the blanket he sleeps on and put a little vinegar in the wash water.
When I bathe him I use a black tar shampoo.I put an 1/8 cup of vinegar in a large bucket of water and use this as the final rinse. I bathe him twice a week when he has these sores. I very recently found ” Scalpicin” at the drug store. It is for humans with seborrhea, and I rub a small amount in the “crusty ” areas. Please note it has some alcohol in it so I don’t put it on the open sores. Please check with your vet to see if this product is safe for your dog, especially if it is a small dog and use a small amount the first several times to see if your dog tolerates this medication. This seems to be working successfully. I also have used A and D ointment on his sores,especially the open oozing ones with some success. I do give him fish oil pills as recommended by my vet.
Despite this regimen, he has some hyperpigmentation (blackened areas) on the skin on his abdomin and I am going to take him back to the vet to look at this. This could also be an indicator of hypothyroidism or other problem and there is just no way for me to know without a trip to the vet.
The one other thing to try is giving your dog yogurt with active enzymes/ probiotics. They benefit from yogurt to control yeast just as we do and sometimes their skin issues are caused by yeast. If your dog has allergies to milk products, there are soy yogurts.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. We just have to do our best by trial and error sometimes.

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