by Ben Thompson
(Boston, MA, USA)

Nearly 5 months ago, I began seeing a new vet in town, who noticed some corneal damage to my dog’s right eye. She is a 7 year-old boxer named Gracie.

The vet said that it was scar tissue and he gave me some medication to treat it. The purpose of the medication, he said, was to reduce the spreading of the scar tissue. I must have the generic brand, because it doesn’t seem to be named anything but “Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates, Bacitran Zinc and Hydrocortisone Ophthalmic Ointment USP.”

After a while, however, I decided to stop using the medication, as there didn’t seem to be any worsening of the condition. Then, a week or two ago, I noticed cloudiness in her eyes that had not been there before.

The problem is especially in the left eye now. I thought that it might have been due to my negligence in applying the medication, so I resumed it, expecting the symptoms to go away in a week or so. They did not. They only worsened.

Now, the problem has moved to the outer layer of the eye itself, which is red and appears to be infected. I think that the photos do a decent job showing this.

Please tell me that you have seen this before and that I haven’t caused my dog to go blind.

Comments for Scar tissue problem in dog’s eye is getting worse

Mar 13, 2011My Online Vet Response for Scar Tissue problem in dog’s eye is getting worse
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Ben,
This problem is called an Indolent Ulcer. If the initial corneal ‘damage’ that happened 5 months ago was diagnosed as an ‘ulcer’, it has not healed yet, and now there is a problem in the other eye, the condition is called an Indolent Ulcer in Boxers.

This could become a difficult condition to clear up. If the first ointment does NOT help after 2 weeks, then it is time to re-evaluate the eye and decide if more staining should be done, if cultures should be taken, and/or if surgical debridement should be done.

Now that 5 MONTHS have passed, it is definitely time to have her rechecked! Other conditions that can be seen in Boxers that will appear similar are corneal dystrophy with epithelial erosion. Either condition needs to be monitored on a regular basis to make sure healing is progressing.

In the meantime, she should be on a healthy and wholesome diet…NO DRY FOOD – check out our 10 Best Dog Food Options page – and look into changing her to a raw natural dog food diet. A raw diet will ensure that she is obtaining enough Vitamin C.

More treatments to aid corneal ulcers, according to Dr. Richard Pitcairn’s book Natural Health for Dogs and Cats is to add 1/4 to 1 tsp of cod liver oil to the diet along with Vitamin E 100 to 400 IU daily (Cod Liver oil is very high in Vit A). You can also add 1 drop of Cod liver oil into each eye every 4 hours. “The oil has protective functions, and the vitamin A in it will stimulate healing.”

I would NOT vaccinate her at all for at least another year or until her eyes are completely normal. Even then, I would worry that a dog vaccine may affect her immune system and cause a relapse in her eye problems. If you could seek out the help of a local holistic vet to also advise on supportive care, alternative treatment and minimal vaccines, this would be best.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

For an update on Gracie, click here.

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Eye Problems,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Eye Problems Section

Aug 01, 2012My corso has the same issues
by: kathy

Ok I have been dealing with this for a very long time with my Corso….
I will explain this as best I can in super human talk not specialist talk.
My dog had a scratch on his eye, vet does the green drop test to see how deep it is if the scratch isn’t bad you need to do the antiobiotic drops (white cap not neomyicin) if you use the steroid anti inflammatory drop (neomycin pink cap) you make the problem worse.. What you are using the neomyicin stuff is for after the scratch heals or if there is just redness on the eye… Stop using the steroid stuff and have him give you antiobiotic eye drops…. Hope this helps.. Afer all is well you will see a whitish mini spot where the damage was for quite awhile. My dog had the white stop for about 6 months after all the proper meds but off course he reinjured it sticking his head in brush.

Aug 03, 2012My Online Vet Response for: Scar tissue problem in dog’s eye is getting worse
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Kathy,
You wrote,
“if you use the steroid anti inflammatory drop (neomycin pink cap) you make the problem worse.. What you are using the neomyicin stuff is for after the scratch heals or if there is just redness on the eye… Stop using the steroid stuff and have him give you antiobiotic eye drops..”

You are correct. Steroids will delay healing of a corneal ulcer. Having the eye examined by a veterinarian in person, would be the best option to determine what is needed. Either a holistic veterinarian or a veterinary ophthalmologist would be advised.

If you have a question, I’m happy to help. But we only accept new questions from subscribers (the original question above was from a subscriber). I’ll then get back to you right away at the bottom of your newly created web page.
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Apr 20, 2013scar tissue on my dogs eyes.
by: Yvonne Reuben

I too took my Halle, a then 12 year old AMSTAF to my Vet,the initial diagnosis was a scratch on her retina… caused by her love to roll in grass. The vet also gave her a ‘tear’ test, which was done by placing a tiny piece of paper… the guage showed that her tear ducts were not producing enough tears.

he have her drops, anti biotics, and an ointment, which seemed to clear it up.

ten days ago I noticed a cloudiness, I put it down to her age, now 13… however as luck would have one day I was out walking with her, and was approached by a fellow dog walker.. we exchanged niceties and she said how good my Halle looked for her age, I mentioned that she was a cataract… the woman turned out to be a Vet, and said no that it might be build of scar tissue… I then remembered the episode a few months prior…. I promptly made an appointment with our Vet… she is now on liquifilm tears (twice a day) followed by an ointment ILIUM OPTICIN also twice a day… after ten days I have been directed to start with another ointment OPTIMMUNE (CYCLOSPORIN)…

My main concern is that she might be losing her sight, and will be taking her back to check if the scar tissue can actually be removed, as it seems to accelarating… and if I am further than 20 meters away from her, she seems to panic… will let you know what the VET says about the removal.

Apr 21, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Scar Tissue problem in dog’s eye is getting worse
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Yvonne,
It would be best to seek the help of a holistic veterinarian. Removing the scar tissue from her cornea does nothing to prevent it from coming back again. It also sounds like she has some other issues due to a lack of tear production causing dry eye. The cornea is TOO dry, because the tear glands are not secreting the proper amount of tears. Therefore the glands that line her eyelashes try to secrete moisture, but this is too thick and not the correct tear consistency, and it is more like mucous, and because the cornea is too dry it will become thickened, that is the cloudiness you see.

A holistic veterinarian will advise you on diet, (a raw diet is best), see our page on 10 Best Dog Food options, and the best homeopathic remedies to use for her.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Jun 15, 2013Lasa cornea rupture
by: Anonymous

Hi. My Lasa found me about six years ago. His eye was runny and long story short, we discovered he had ruptured his cornea. We did the medicine and it was healed. However I was told that the scar tissue was live and to use the Neomycin and Polymyxin sulfates, bacitracin and zine and hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment for the rest of his life along with Optimune; which I have. I was doing it three times a week but slowed down to once a week about a year ago. I noted recently that the cloudy/tissue has growing over his eye and that his sight is impaired in that eye. I immediately upped the ointments again but see no change. Not sure what to do. Will the scar tissue decrease in time? Am I using these ointments for no reason now?

Jun 16, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Scar Tissue Problem in Dog’s Eye is getting Worse
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

June 16, 2013

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for your question. I’m happy to help, but we only accept new questions from subscribers (the original question above was from a subscriber).
I’ll then get back to you right away at the bottom of your newly created web page.
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

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