by Jamie Burke
(Alberta, Canada)

I have a 5 month old Great dane and he has a prolapsed third eye lid. What can I use to fix it holistically?

Comments for Prolapsed Third Eyelid in Dog

Jul 19, 2011My Online Vet Response for Prolapsed Third Eyelid in Dog
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Jamie,
There are a number of factors that need to be considered in order to treat a “prolapsed gland of the third eyelid” holistically.

The cartilage in the third eyelid is basically weak, the gland has become inflamed from any of the following causes, and as it ‘swells’ it pushes out over the weakened cartilage and it appears ‘prolapsed’. This is considered ‘chronic’ disease, not an acute problem.

Some of the factors to be considered:

Did you notice it after a vaccination?

Did it start after a surgery (i.e. an ear crop or neuter)?

What diet are you feeding him?

If this started after a vaccination, then homeopathic remedies such as Thuya or Sulphur, Pulsatilla or Silicea, would be helpful.

If it started after a surgery, then it would be presumed that the stress of surgery may have contributed to the condition. And supplements to boost your dog’s immune system might be in order, such as Immuplex from Standard Process, ONE capsule opened and sprinkled into his food two times daily, and/or OrthoMolecular Specialties, Mega C Powder, add 1/4 tsp to food two times daily, along with remedies such as Nux vomica or Staphysagria.

The best supportive diet for a growing Large Breed puppy would be one with plenty of moisture such as MORE canned and RAW, and LESS DRY food. See our page on the 10 Best Dog Foods.

In the meantime, keep the prolapsed gland of the 3rd eyelid moist by applying a few drops of olive oil or even several times daily to help to shrink it so that it will return to it’s normal position.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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