by Cindi
(San Diego, CA)

Dog neck wound a it is now

Dog neck wound a it is now

Dog neck wound a it is now

Dog neck wound as it was yesterday

Small sore on his hind leg

Small wound behind right ear

I noticed an open wound on my dog's neck about a week ago. On two separate nights about a day apart, I used peroxide to clean the wound and I used neosporine multiple nights in a row. It does not seem to be getting any better. Sometimes I see a little red like he had scratched it but for the most part it looks white and oozy.

When I found the wound the hair was, for the most part, already gone. There was a couple little chunks of hair that I pulled out easily while cleaning it.

The wound does not smell bad. For the first time today there looked to be a little yellowish- greenishness around the edges.

He also has a small sore on his hind leg and small wound behind his right ear (see photos).

His energy is normal and his appetite is normal.

Should I cut away more hair away around the wound?

I tried wrapping it, but it is on a part of his neck that makes that impractical, the wrap will not stay. Please tell me what I can do to make this thing start healing.

In the attached photograph, you have a close up shot of the wound as well as how the wound looks when I am not holding the hair away from it.

Thank you so much!!

P.S. Each of the issues in the photos above have been present for about a week..

I just thought about the fact that I gave him a bath a few days ago and used 365 organic shampoo. for the first time. I was rinsing for a long time - it was difficult to rinse, I figured I had to have got it all cause I was rinsing him for close to 10 min... could this be from not rinsing enough?

He used to have scabs all over his butt whenever he got into food he shouldn't have, but this problem went away when I switched his food to evo-salmon and herring.. he now eats the food called "Now" and it has worked well.

I did just start mixing his food with evo food cause I got a free bag. he is eating 75% 'Now' and 25% evo.. not sure if this could contribute.

Thank you!

Comments for Open Wound on Dog's Neck That Won't Heal

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May 10, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Open Wound on Dog's Neck That Won't Heal
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Cindi,

The photos are very good! Your dog appears to have 'hot spots'. This can occur from any type of allergic problem: food allergy, flea allergy or after applying something to his skin, (such as shampoo, or flea/tick preventive).

Once he starts to scratch, it makes the skin itch, so he scratches more, and the more he scratches, the more it itches, until all the hair is gone, and then it can become infected from surface bacteria.

Here's what to do:

1. Clip off the hair in a 1-2" circumference around each lesion.

2. Clean each spot one time daily, with baby shampoo, or an oatmeal shampoo, and rinse well. For at least one week.

Bathe him ALL over 1-2 times per week, for at least 3-6 weeks. To make sure all bacteria/yeast are removed.

3. As often as needed, spray with diluted Rescue Remedy. (Mix 10 drops of Rescue Remedy in 2 oz of Spring water in a small pump spray bottle.

4. Diet: See if the EVO or the food you think he will not be allergic to, is available in a canned form. Or better yet, see our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options, And consider a RAW diet for him. This would be far better for his skin.

5. Consider immune supplements if the above is not helping.

1. Missing Link Canine Formula
2. Immuplex from Standard Process
3. OrthoMolecular Specialties, Mega C Powder

Also, consider seeking the help of a holistic veterinarian for choosing a homeopathic remedy that would be constitutional for him.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the 'click here to add your own comments' link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
- Dog Skin Conditions,
- Dog Itchy Skin,
- Dog Skin Rash,
- Dog Skin Allergies,
- Ask a Vet Online Library - Dog Skin Rashes, Marks, Spots, Lesions & Patches (including itchy skin and mange) Section,
- Ask a Vet Online Library - Dog Hair Loss Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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