by Deborah

My dog Mitzi is due for further vaccinations, but I want to explore a more holistic avenue.

She is a 6 year old Maltese/shitzu mix and has been in our family for the past 2 years. She is de-sexed and weighs approximately 6 kilo’s. She was previously owned by an elderly person who wanted to travel so we took her and love her. We were advised she was up to date with all vaccinations.

On 6/10/10 she had distemper (cdv), hepatitis (ch), parovirus (cpv), and paranfluenza (p12) vaccination on 30/3/11 she had proheart Sr12 and 2/11/11 she had protect C4. I have been advised she is now due for further vaccinations.

What are the must-have vaccinations a dog of my breed should have and how often? Are there other must-have options to a ensure a healthy pet?

Her diet consists of approximately 60 grams of fresh lean meat mane and nocte, such as chicken, turkey, veal or beef with a small serve of tried dog biscuits and water.

Also, she has the weepy eyes. Any suggestions for that other than cleaning everyday?

Thank you, Deborah and Mitzi

Comments for Holistic Vaccination Schedule & Weeping Dog Eyes

Nov 14, 2012My Online Vet Response for: Holistic Vaccination Schedule & Weeping Dog Eyes
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Deborah,
You wrote,
“2/11/11 she had protect C4”

I am not familiar with this vaccination. It may be for kennel cough?

“I have been advised she is now due for further vaccinations.”

ALL of the vaccinations she has had DO NOT need to be repeated more often than every 3 years, and in many cases you can go much longer between vaccinations. This also applies to Rabies vaccine, which you did not mention for Mitzi.

Of course, if she is to be boarded in a kennel, the kennel may require her to have a kennel cough *Bordatella* vaccine. But the Para-influenza virus will partially protect against kennel cough. So, I would not advise an additional vaccination.

You wrote,
“What are the must-have vaccinations a dog of my breed should have and how often? Are there other must-have options to a ensure a healthy pet?”

In the United States, the only vaccination required by law is the Rabies vaccine, since Rabies is contagious to humans. If Mitzi is in a country where Rabies is NOT required, then she does not need any more vaccinations at all.

All of the vaccinations you listed will provide her with enough protection for the rest of her life. To monitor her protection to these vaccinations, antibody titers can be done by a blood test.

To insure a healthy pet, then she should be seen by a veterinarian EVERY year for a physical exam, fecal, heartworm test, check heart and lungs, look at teeth and to do a blood panel. (which could include the antibody titers).

You wrote,
“Her diet consists of approximately 60 grams of fresh lean meat mane and nocte, such as chicken, turkey, veal or beef with a small serve of tried dog biscuits and water.”

I am not familiar with MANE and NOCTE. But a balanced dog food diet, such as described on our page for 10 Best Dog Food Options, would be best. I think you meant to say DRIED dog biscuits. The only DRY treats I would feed, would be for TARTAR CONTROL (to help the teeth).

You wrote,
“she has the weepy eyes. Any suggestions for that other than cleaning everyday?”


Nov 15, 2012Part 2 Response to: Holistic Vaccination Schedule & Weeping Dog Eyes
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

(cont’d from above)

Avoid dry foods, add Probiotics to the diet, such as acidophilus (1/8 human dose) to each meal, and keep the hair around the eyes trimmed short.

Toy breeds such as Maltese/Shih Tzu dogs, are very prone to this problem. In some cases it is genetic and due to narrowed tear ducts, so nothing can be done. Although, applying Sweet Almond Oil, to the inner corners into the eyes and on the skin near the inner corners seems to help soothe the skin and provide some protection to prevent chronic irritation due to the drainage.

Also, seeking the help of a holistic veterinarian might be able to decrease the severity of this problem as you treat the ‘vaccinosis’ from too many vaccines, and improve Mitzi’s overall health.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
Dog Vaccination Schedule,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Vaccinations Section
10 Best Dog Food Options,
Homemade Dog Food Recipes,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Food Diet – Dog Food, Dog Treats & Homemade Dog Food Recipes Section
Dog Eye Problems,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Eye Problems Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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