these are the 2 smaller ones above the

these are the 2 smaller ones above the

these are the 2 smaller ones above the

back right paw

This is the same growth as the second photo - different angle

We have a 1.5 yr old female pug that has developed some growths on her paws. We thought at first they were ticks (we live in NYC and take her to Central Park often), but we took her to the vet and they confirmed they weren’t. They were perfectly round and tick-like.

I grew up in Iowa and had outdoor dogs that we were always doing regular removals on and I was shocked when the vet said they weren’t ticks. The vet said it could be a skin growth, mole, skin tag, dermatitis, or a variety of other things….but definitely not a tick. The advice was basically useless and cost $150. They didn’t offer advice as to how to get rid of them, just to keep our eye on it.

Well, they’ve grown and changed. The research we’ve done says they are probably warts. We would rather do some sort of homeopathic remedy rather than put her through the stress of an invasive procedure- she despises the vet and is really wild when there (which might be why the vet wasn’t so helpful). We do not have pet insurance and really can’t afford the surgical options we’ve read about (which is how we found you!).

Hopefully because of her age we can rule out malignant tumors. The largest one is on her left back foot near the pad. The two smaller ones are on the same foot on the back (near the foot elbow). There is another one on her front paw on the far pad (the pad that is sort of closer to her knee).

We have been reluctant to apply anything to them until we know what they are. We are fearful that we may have angered them by trying to remove one initially when we thought it was a tick.

Please let us know if you have any idea as to what they might be and the best way to get rid of them.

Comments for Female dog has growths on her paws

Oct 13, 2011My Online Vet Response for Female Dog has Growths on her paws
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

From the photos you submitted of your 1.5 year old female Pug, the growths look like warts. The best treatment would be to use homeopathic remedies to treat warts.

Using homeopathy, you need to take the holistic approach, meaning it is not just the warts that are being treated, you must take into account the ‘rest’ of the patient. For example, check back to see if vaccinations were given before the appearance of these warts. Or if there was some illness that was treated with conventional medicine (perhaps an ear discharge, eye discharge or nasal discharge), and then the warts started to appear after these discharges were suppressed.

What is your female pug’s personality like? Friendly, outgoing, mild tempered? Anxious, excitable or nervous around strangers?

Does she have any temperature preferences? Is she always chilly, and wants to be covered up, or is she hot, and likes to lay on a cold tile floor?

All of these characteristics must be considered in choosing the correct homeopathic remedy. A veterinarian with homeopathic training would be able to help.

A conventional approach would be to surgically remove these growths/warts, with no thought to what caused them to appear, or what to do to prevent the appearance of new ones. Therefore a holistic approach would be the best, and least harmful!

Check for a holistic vet near your area. Also, try Dr. Stacey Hershmann, who is in New York.

There are many topical wart preparations available, even some that are homeopathic, but considering all of the warts are on the feet and are easy for her to lick, I do not think that this would be practical. It would be best to use the ‘constitutional’ homeopathic remedy (given by mouth) that is best indicated for her case.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Warts,
Dog Skin Conditions,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Warts, Cysts and Strange Growths Section

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