by Nina
(Calgary, AB, Canada)

Right infected left healthy eyes

Right infected left healthy eyes

Right infected left healthy eyes

Left infected right healthy eyes 1

Right healthy eye

Left infected right healthy

I have a miniature pomeranian and noticed over the past couple days ever since I gave her a bath that her one eye is reddening up. The connective tissue on the inner part of the eye appears more and instead of white it is pinkish/red and looks inflammed.

Her entire eye is a little less open than the other and looks a little more teary or with fluid. No gunky type of fluid at all.

I have rinsed with an eyewash called opticlear which is a sterile isotonic buffered solution (Nacl, Naphosphate, purified water, etc.) and tried to flush out the eye. Not sure how many times a day I should do this.

Then applied an eye ointment called beaphar which is a txt for the connective tissues around the eyes. The active ingredient is 15000 IE Vit A Palmitate.

I have done nothing else so far. I also have a neomycin sulfate polymyxin b sulfate and bacitracin zinc product that I had to use on my other dog last year but didn’t apply it yet. The product expired last year so I didn’t want to take a chance if the product has gone bad or should I go ahead and try?

I also have read that Mix ¼ teaspoon of sea salt into a cup of distilled water to cleanse and
1 drop of almond oil or a Drop of cod liver oil into the eye or try gently cleansing the dog’s eye with calendula tea, chamomile tea, eyebright tea or rosemary tea.

I would like to avoid going to the vet if possible and try something myself first. Reason: I am one hour away and i guess the costs involved. But if i must i definitely will!


Comments for Eye infection in Dog (Eye Redness)

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Jun 03, 2011My Online Vet Response for Eye Infection in Dog (Eye Redness)
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Nina,
Great photos, and what a cute little girl! From the red, inflamed third eyelid, and slight squinting, she may have a scratch on her cornea, a foreign body behind the third eyelid, or conjunctivitis.

Certainly rinsing it 3-4 times daily with saline, (home made or store bought) would be good. But for a diagnosis of a corneal abrasion, she will need to be seen by a veterinarian, to do a fluorescein stain.

Atropine ointment will be dispensed along with an antibiotic ointment. The atropine will dilate her pupil and provide some pain relief. A foreign body can be found by placing a topical anesthetic into her eye, and lifting the third eyelid to look behind it.

If she only has a conjunctivitis, then the rinsing with saline and an antibiotic ointment with some cortisone will help to decrease the redness and provide some relief.

I am unable to recommend a home remedy for you to try, since we do not know the exact problem to be treated.

Also, eye conditions can become serious and may endanger her vision, therefore, it would be best to make the hour trip to a veterinarian.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the 'click here to add your own comments' link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
- Dog Eye Problems,
- Ask a Vet Online Library - Dog Eye Problems Section

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