by Gaye Marshall
(Valla Beach, Australia)

The wart is black and quite scabby, about the size of an old one cent piece. It is very close to her eye. She has 2 other large warts on her chest and right front leg – these are smooth and pink.

Indiana is 11 years old and has had pancreatitus. She seems to be lethargic which is most unlike her.

I have checked thoroughly for ticks and fleas, but she is clean. I had her to the local vet last week for itching and she was given an injection which should last for 6 months. She is not itching at present and has had this treatment before.

I was not happy with the diagnosis as she had been vomiting and had had some diarrhea. This has stopped but I am still concerned as she does not want to go for walks and seems very sleepy – much more than she is normally.

Thank you.

Comments for Dog Wart Close to Eye – Could Be a Sign of Numerous Conditions

Nov 10, 2009My Online Vet Response to Dog Wart Close to Eye
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Gaye,
From your description of Indiana’s problems, it sounds like the first and foremost is her lethargy, and being so sleepy all the time. I do not think the itching would make her that tired. But if she were dehydrated from the vomiting and diarrhea, or if she was having another episode of pancreatitis, or if she had pain from arthritis of the spine or hips, all of these conditions would make her tired and not want to go for a walk.

You should look for a holistic veterinarian who will examine Indiana and look at all of her symptoms. He or she will probably advise a blood test to check for anemia,infection, pancreatitis, kidney or liver disease, or heartworm disease.

See Animal Care Dog Holistic for more information.

You did not include a photo of her warts, so it will be difficult to make a specific diagnosis. Also, you did not mention how long they had been present. If the black growth (wart?) near the eye has been rapidly growing and close enough to cause some eye problems, I would think that the local vet that you visited last week would have wanted to treat it in some way.

Also, giving an injection that suppresses itching for 6 months is not healthy for Indiana. The goal is to improve the vital force of the body, so the body is able to attain the best health possible, not by suppressing symptoms that may drive the illness deeper.

According to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the M.D. who developed Homeopathy in the 1700’s, “The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, using homeopathic principles.”

I would suggest finding a holistic veterinarian that practices homeopathy, do not give Indiana any more vaccinations (these may have caused the warts in the first place) and improve her diet by checking out our section and recommendations about a healthy dog food diet.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Warts,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Warts, Cysts and Strange Growths Section

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