by Theresa Fang
(San Gabreil, CA. USA)

One month ago, my dog developed some hearing loss and blurry eye sight and started getting startled easily. She was still showing interest in her daily walk, but her physical strengh would not allow her to do it. She would stand at the street corner looking at the cross street but would not march forward.

Then I noticed that her eyes started to water, she liked to rub her face against my legs, she shooe her head sometimes, her nose was dry but had a slightly running nose and she vomited sometimes. She refused to eat her regular dog food but welcomed raw meat or cooked meat. I figured she had a cold.

GOGO is a 15 years old 45 lb. female German shepard/Golden retriever mix.

Yesterday I fed her 1 tablet of Vitamin C, a gel of krill oil and 1 baby aspirin separately and dropped a few colloidal silver into her water trying to boost her immune system.

This morning, I fed her some cooked meat at 8:00 am. She threw them up around 10:00am. After that, as usual, she licked them all back up. The meat was not digested yet. There is no blood, odd smell, or color.

Also she sleeps a lot during day time. However, lately she tends to wake up in the middle of the night a couple of times and wanders around the rooms. I thought maybe she needed to urinate or drink some water. But it seems that she does neither. She pants a lot too.

I don’t know if I should bring her to the vet. Or if it is the unavoidable aging process. If she has to go, I want her to go peacefully and bear the least pain possible.

My husband and I have been enjoying her healthy and happy all these 15 years. We don’t know how to cope with her being weak like this. Please tell me what should I do to take care of her at this stage.

There is another thing I want to add: Because she hasn’t walked that much lately, do I have to trim her nails? I noticed that sometimes she could not walk properly — meaning her hind legs slipped on the floor a couple of times.

Thank you very much for your advice.

Comments for Dog treatment for eyes watering,dry nose,vomiting, head shaking, lack of energy

Jun 30, 2011My Online Vet Reponse for Dog Treatment for eyes watering, dry nose, vomiting, head shaking, lack of energy
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Theresa,

Yes, you should take GoGo in for an examination. The symptoms you describe would fit several diseases, not necessarily due to ‘typical aging’.

If she is not spayed, this might be due to an infected uterus. She may have a liver or kidney infection, pancreatitis or gastroenteritis. A veterinarian will be able to see if she has a fever, palpate her abdomen for masses, or see if she has pain. A blood test can diagnose if it is liver or kidney infection, or kidney failure, or if she has anemia, or other disease.

I would not be able to offer you any home remedies, unless you are able to find out what is wrong with her. If she is vomiting food, she should only be given liquids to drink, such as water, chicken broth, or beef bouillon.

Since she is unable to hold down solids, the more she vomits, the more she will become dehydrated. Dehydration alone will rob her of energy. A veterinarian will be able to re-hydrate her, perhaps also giving her a B-vitamin/B-12 injection, which may help her energy.

Also, if her nails are too long, they should be trimmed. But I suspect that her slipping on the floor may also be due to weakness.

You do not necessarily need to see a holistic veterinarian for a blood test, hydration, and B-vitamin injection. A conventional veterinarian will also be able to do all of this too.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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