by Annette G.
(Jackson, TN, USA)

We rescued a female husky the summer of 2012. She did have some itchy problems, but we were working those out naturally just fine.

The first of December, the vet’s assistant administered the new Bronchi-Shield Bordetella Vaccine as we were preparing to board our Muttley Crew, something we rarely do. She, being the husky, Diamond, aspirated part of it and a lot of it went down the outside of her neck. The assistant grabbed another vile of the same type vaccine and successfully got that one down her.

Shortly after that, a few hours, she started coughing some, not bad. Vet said she would be fine. In a few weeks, her lungs sounded horrible to the second vet we took her to and the vet felt she had gotten Kennel Cough.

About a week after that, taking back to the second vet clinic, they felt now, she had severe bronchitis and was working on pneumonia, said lungs sounded worse than ever. We drugged her up and started her on Temaril P. All was well, a long with any itchy skin we had not managed to resolve.

My problem is this: Any time I take her off of the Temaril P, while yes, she gets some itchiness going again, but her reverse sneezing starts and then the horrid coughing. She eventually gets almost as bad as before, just horrid coughing and working towards bronchitis and I won’t let

it go any farther, I put her back on the Temaril P.

Two vets say it’s probably just allergies, leave her on this for the rest of her life. It has a steroid in it, I can’t give this to her forever, that’s wrong! It can damage her in so many other ways can’t it?

This did NOT start until the oral bordetella vaccine situation. I am lost. Could it be from that and if so, how is that so? How on earth would the vaccine do this? I know vaccines are overused, I work my hardest to NOT overuse them but I do on the occasion, go out of town. No one will board them without the vaccines and I have no one to house sit.

Is there any other way I can treat her? Help her lungs? We’ve checked everything, she shows to be fine. Well, we haven’t checked her heart other than listening and says it’s sound beautiful.

She is a Siberian Husky rescue. She runs like crazy…after all, she’s a husky. Just a nut ball and has not issues with anything as long as she’s on the meds.

She will be 2 in December. I’m lost and scared for her future. I can deal with the skin issues without the meds, but not the lungs, I don’t know how.

Thank you, and so sorry for the rambling, I am at my wits end.


Comments for Dog Still Coughing & Reverse Sneezing One Year After Vaccination

Oct 15, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Dog Still Coughing & Reverse Sneezing One Year After Vaccination
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

October 15, 2013

Hi Annette,

You wrote
“rescued a female husky the summer of 2012. She did have some itchy problems….The first of December, the vet’s assistant administered the new Bronchi-Shield Bordetella Vaccine”

The usual ‘protocol’ at the time of adoption, is administration of numerous vaccinations. I am not sure if she received Bordatella at that time or only Rabies and DHPP. (Distemper, Hepatitis, Para-Influenza and Parvo). It is not unusual for the stress of adoption, vaccinations, change of environment, etc. to adversely affect the immune system. As you noted, ‘she did have some itchy problems’. At that point was the time to address what is termed ‘vaccinosis’ (illness that occurs after a vaccination) with homeopathic remedies, diet, and supplements.

But she was not treated ‘holistically’ this is the time that you had to board her and she was vaccinated with the Bordetalla Vaccine.

Info on the Bronchi-Shield Bordetella Vaccine which is a *MODIFIED LIVE VACCINE*

This vaccine is a ‘modified live’ vaccine, meaning the virus is partially ALIVE. And when administered to the patient WILL cause disease. Although, the goal is to cause only the slightest bit of disease, in which the patient builds up antibodies and not enough disease to show clinical illness. (Like coughing, sneezing, etc).

If you read the adverse effects of the kennel cough vaccine, it is all the same symptoms that are found in ‘kennel cough’.

So, now ‘Diamond’ has been on Temeril-P drug to suppress her symptoms of chronic bronchitis, caused by the kennel cough vaccine. It will be more difficult to restore her health. But I agree with you, she cannot stay on steroids for her whole life.

Here’s the plan:
1. Add Milk Thistle to her diet. Dose: 8mg/lb TWO times daily. Milk thistle is an herb to repair liver tissue. Steroids will stress the liver, causing elevation in liver enzymes. If she must stay on the steroids for awhile until she can be weaned off, then keep her on milk thistle.

2. NO DRY DOG FOOD. See our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options, and consider a RAW diet for her. Or compromise with part canned and part raw. Most dry foods have a comparable version in the canned form. So, you can transition her from the dry to the canned, and then add in some raw. NO RAW PORK OR RAW FISH

With more moisture in her diet, it will help her lung tissue AND her skin and her overall health!


Oct 15, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Dog Still Coughing & Reverse Sneezing One Year After Vaccination PART TWO
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

October 15, 2013

Hi Annette,
Here is the rest of my response.

3. Boost her immune system:
1. Missing Link Canine Formula
2. Immuplex from Standard Process
3. OrthoMolecular Specialties, Mega C Powder

4. Support her lung tissue with the supplement Pneumotrophin made by Standard Process. It is available on Give her the ‘adult’ dose as listed on the label.

5. The homeopathic remedy, Thuya, is among several remedies used for illness occurring after a vaccination. There are several other remedies, but determining the most appropriate would require an exam by a holistic veterinarian. A holistic veterinarian would also be able to advise you on when to increase the remedy and decrease the Temeril-P.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Oct 15, 2013Thank you
by: Annette

Thank you so very much for your response. I already have milk thistle so will get her going on that this morning.

I realize it is what it is with Diamond, but wanted you to know she is not a typical rescue where they come in and get bombarded all at once with vaccines. I am a rescuer and adopted her from someone who was giving her vaccines at the stages the vet was telling them. She was finished with all but one last booster, and then of course the bordetella a few months later I was forced to have them give her. So yes, while those guidelines are bad enough, I just wanted you to know she was not just hit all at once with all of the vaccines.

The closest holistic vet is 2 1/2 hours away or believe me, I would already be using one. My house is full of herbs for healing, we try to stay away from all of those processed foods and for our dogs as well. Diamond is fed raw, just not completely. But I certainly will get out and get the canned foods to replace her dry and more raw and the items you suggested.

I thank you so much, at least I have a bit of hope she can come off of these drugs and still be healthy. I worry enough with her issues of inbreeding (father and mother are siblings from same litter) and signs of zinc deficiency that are starting to show up.

Have a beautiful day and thank you again.

Oct 19, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Dog Still Coughing & Reverse Sneezing One Year After Vaccination
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

October 18, 2013

Hi Annette,
It sounds like you already have Diamond on the right track. Also, as she is ‘inbred’ she may have a very compromised immune system. She may be quite a challenge restoring her to health.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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