This bump is about 4 inches from my dog Abby’s tail – it came up about 3 weeks ago. We have trimmed the hair around it and there is no more discoloration. It doesn’t hurt and looks like a “seed wart”. She has irritated it by laying on her back.

Abby is a 4 yo 80lb American bulldog who has had problems with allergies. They cause her to bite her feet, and her ears have begun to bother her as well.

She has been on Natures Recipe lamb and rice for a week to see if her other food was causing her to dig in her ears.

We have a regular vet but are looking for another.

Thank you

Comments for Dog skin wart?

Dec 17, 2010My Online Vet Response for Dog Skin Wart?
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Considering Abby’s growth on her hind quarters, her age and breed, I do not think this is a typical ‘wart’. It may be a growth called a ‘mast cell tumor‘.

These growths are an accumulation of mast cells, cells that contain large amounts of histamine. In conventional veterinary medicine, the treatment would be surgical removal and then treating her with anti-histamines. It is common to have more ‘mast cell’ tumors appear after the initial one is cut off. Also, in conventional medicine, treatment for allergies is done by suppressing all of the symptoms.

Regarding diet, my advice would be to check out some of the raw dog food diets available. This would be the first start in supporting her immune system, and improving her health. Supplementing her with Omega 3 fish oils for dogs, about 1,000 mg one to two times daily added to her food, will act as a natural anti-inflammatory to help her skin.

Vaccinations are highly suspect in affecting the immune system and contributing to the formation of warts, growths, tumors and cancers. See our page on giving minimal dog vaccinations for more information.

At this time, I would NOT give Abby any vaccination at all! Even if she is due for a vaccination this year, you should find a holistic vet to write an exemption form to ‘excuse’ her from a vaccination until this growth/wart goes away.

According to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, a leading homeopathic vet, “giving a vaccination to a dog with cancer is like throwing gasoline on a fire”.

The holistic approach I suggest is to treat Abby with homeopathy for dogs. This would treat her whole body, the growth, her allergies, and any other health issue.

Finding a remedy that matches her symptoms and ‘constitution’ would make the growth go away for good, her allergies clear up and make her much healthier overall.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Warts,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Warts, Cysts and Strange Growths Section

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