by Gina F.
(Guaynabo, PR)

Skin allergies on underside

Skin allergies on underside

I have adopted a dog last Wednesday from a irresponsible breeder that had 13 other dogs locked up in small kennels. She is very fearful but little by little she is improving.

They gave her to me with some pills for a fungus in the skin. We checked her for mange and it came out negative. But she does have some scaling. She itches a lot inside the house.

We took her to the park today for a couple of hours and she didn’t scratch once but as soon as we put her back in the kennel in the car she stared scratching again.

I’m bathing her with Azmira organic shampoo.

What can I do about her itching?

I have also noticed some backward sneezing, could that be part of the allergies in her skin?

Could the itching is caused by her anxiety?

I have attached a picture of her allergy. She scratches all over her body, nose, hears, paws, and licks her paws also.

I’m feeding her Wellness dry small breed mixed with canned wellness. She doesn’t eat very well. I boiled some chicken breast and that she ate no problem. I spoke to another person that rescued a dog from the same place and said she having the same problem with the food.

I’m not using any supplements. I don’t know exactly how old she is, but she’s around 2 years old. She was vaccinated on 28th Oct. for Rabies, virus, Bordetella and spayed on the 30th.

Comments for Dog Has Itchy, Scaly Skin with Backward Sneezing & Anxiety

Nov 11, 2012My Online Vet Response for: Dog Has Itchy, Scaly Skin with Backward Sneezing & Anxiety
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Gina,
You wrote,
“What can I do about her itching?

I have also noticed some backward sneezing, could that be part of the allergies in her skin?

Could the itching is caused by her anxiety?”

From the picture you sent and her history of just being spayed, I can barely see the healing incision from her surgery from 12 days ago. The lack of hair on her abdomen is from shaving her for the surgery, which she may be scratching because of the incision and the shaved area is growing in now. Her prominent nipples would indicate either she has had a litter or she was in heat at the time of the spay.

Anxiety and fearfulness can contribute to some itching, since she is WORSE when she is in a kennel in the car and inside the house, but BETTER when outside playing in a park (where she is happier and distracted).

Itching her face and feet, indicate inhaled allergies. And scaling indicates she has DRY skin.

It is best NOT to give a bath for 10-14 days after surgery. Your Azmira organic shampoo with oatmeal is a very good shampoo to decrease itching. At this time, 12 days post-op, it is ok to bathe her every week for the next 3-4 weeks.

Also, make up diluted Rescue Remedy in a 4 oz pump spray bottle, put in 20 drops of Rescue Remedy and fill with Spring Water. Spray this on her skin anywhere she itching.

If she if fearful of having you spray her, then spray it into your hand, rub your hands together and wipe it onto her. The Rescue Remedy will help with her anxiety, and help to calm down her skin.

Since she has dry, scaling skin she should NOT have dry dog food. Feed the canned Wellness and combine some lightly cooked (almost raw) chicken, mixed with some cooked carrots and green beans. If she will eat the chicken raw, that would be best. Each meal should be 1/3 canned, 1/3 chicken, 1/3 vegetables.

I suspect that vaccinations, being spayed (either while in heat and/or after just having a litter of pups), lack of socialization in her previous home and poor nutrition are ALL contributing factors to her ill health at this time.

The backward (‘reverse’) sneezing relates more to the vaccinations she just received, ESPECIALLY if the Bordatella vaccination was given intra-nasally.

Continued in PART TWO

Nov 11, 2012My Online Vet Response for: Dog Has itchy, Scaling Skin with Backward Sneezing & Anxiety PART TWO
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Gina,
Here is the rest of my response.

Improving her diet and eliminating the DRY dog food, bathing with the oatmeal shampoo, giving Rescue Remedy, both oral and topically, and lots of tender loving care, should clear things up soon. If the inhaled allergies persist (itching face, feet, ears), she may need some Omega 3 fish oils added to her diet, 500 to 1,000 mg daily and Missing Link powder also.

You mentioned that you are in an area with NO holistic veterinarian. At this time, I do not think she needs ‘holistic’ vet care.

Just keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
Dog Skin Conditions,
Dog Itchy Skin,
Dog Skin Rash,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Skin Rashes, Marks, Spots, Lesions & Patches (including itchy skin and mange) Section,
Dog Anxiety,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Behavioral Issues Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Apr 15, 2013Update
by: Gina Frias


The fungus is gone. But I’m still concerned about the skin because sometimes she has red areas. Plus, she had a mammary infection a few weeks ago. As far as the anxiety goes its more when we leave her alone. She scratches the door,goes in circles and urinates.

Im giving her a multivitamin and dpg.

What do you recomend one of my other dogs was in the vet yesterday with swollen bladder because of an infection. What supplement do you recomend I give her to prevent future infections?

Thanks, Gina

Apr 16, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Dog Has Itchy, Scaly Skin with Backward Sneezing & Anxiety
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Gina,
You wrote,
“The fungus is gone”
I am not entirely convinced it was a fungus, since she was negative for fungus testing. Also, fungus skin infections are usually NOT itchy.

You wrote,
“I’m still concerned about the skin because sometimes she has red areas. Plus, she had a mammary infection a few weeks ago….I’m giving her a multi-vitamin and dpg.”

That may be due to skin allergies. She may need to have her diet improved, plus more immune support. The multi-vitamin is a step in the right direction.
In my previous posting I suggested,
“Improving her diet and eliminating the DRY dog food, bathing with the oatmeal shampoo, giving Rescue Remedy, both oral and topically, and lots of tender loving care, should clear things up soon. If the inhaled allergies persist (itching face, feet, ears), she may need some Omega 3 fish oils added to her diet, 500 to 1,000 mg daily and Missing Link powder also.”

You wrote,
“As far as the anxiety goes it’s more when we leave her alone. She scratches the door,goes in circles and urinates.” Check out behavior modification for ‘Separation Anxiety’. Dr. Ian Dunbar a veterinary behaviorist in Berkeley, California has some excellent behavior tips using ‘timed departures’ and food treats in Kong toys, for correcting separation anxiety problems.

You wrote that another dog has bladder inflammation. Without any more information it is difficult to give any specific advice. Following the above suggestions for improving the diet and NO DRY DOG FOOD, you might also supplement with capsules of cranberry concentrate, added to each meal 1/4-1/2 the ‘human dose’. It is important to rule out other underlying issues that may have contributed to the bladder inflammation, bladder stones, vaginitis, diabetes or Cushings disease.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.


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