Problem Summary: My dog has been having a yellowish goopy discharge from his eye, and the third eyelid is showing and looks a little pink and irritated. He does not seem to be bothering the eye, nor is it effected his appetite or energy/activities.

Details: My dog has had a yellowish thick discharge from his eye, along with pinkness and irritation of the soft tissue of the eye, with a visible third eyelid. There is some crusting around the eye.

His eye is fully open at all times, and he does not seem to scratch it or paw at it. He is a 2 1/2 year old pit mix.

He has experienced similar problems before, which were treated with antibiotic eye ointment successfully, however I would like to use a more holistic approach to address this issue. Every time he experiences this issue, it is in the same eye.

What can I do naturally to resolve this issue (at least the current flare up) without subjecting him to the stress of a visit to the vet, being poked and prodded and the use of antibiotics or steroids?

Comments for Dog Eye Irritation and Swelling

Aug 03, 2010My Online Vet Response to Dog Eye Irritation and Swelling
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Excellent topic to discuss, as ‘folliculitis’ of the third eyelid is a fairly common condition in dogs. It is more commonly seen in BOTH eyes. As your dog has it only in the right eye repeatedly, that will narrow down the many choices of homeopathic remedies that could be used.

And, I would suggest treatment with dog homeopathy over dog acupuncture in this situation. Treating him ‘holistically’ we need to look at his whole system, not just his eye. In this way we will eliminate the chronic disease that has manifested in his symptom of having a red, inflamed right eye.

Our page discussing Alternative Medicine for Dogs, and homeopathic treatment will explain in more detail how these treatments work.

First, you must start by feeding him a wholesome, (preferably raw) diet. See our page on Finding the Right Dog Food Diet.

No more dog vaccinations for at least 3 years.

Then I would suggest antibody titers to determine if he even needs a vaccination. And if a vaccine must be given, give only ONE vaccine that year. (For example, do not give him a Distemper/hepatititis/Parvo vaccine AND a Rabies vaccine at the same time, or even in the same year!)

So, in the meantime, while you are looking for a homeopathic veterinarian and waiting for the correct homepathic remedy to be given, you can cleanse his eye with a saline solution, either from a drugstore, or by making it at home. To make it at home, add 1/4 tsp of Sea Salt into 1 cup distilled or filtered water. Stir well and use this mixture to clean his eye. Either pour a small amount directly into his eye, holding the eye open by pulling down the lower lid and up on the upper lid (you may need an assistant to help you.) Or use an eye dropper to drip it into his eye.

After his eye is clean, put one drop of almond oil
into his right eye three times daily.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Related Pages:
Dog Eye Problems,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Eye Problems Section

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