by Barbara Delaterre
(Henderson, NV)

Charlie Delaterre

Charlie Delaterre

My dog Charlie has been pretty healthy over the past few years, but with his advancing age (he’s a 14-year old Schnauzer), he recently had two events that appeared to be convulsions. It was much like a bug is effected after being sprayed by pesticide.

His back contorted, no salivating at the mouth just a splaying of his legs and contortion of his spine. He was quite shaken and hot. Then they pass.

My question… is it possible that the pest spraying done recently inside the house may have created a toxic reaction? The spray was done around the perimeter of each room where he does lie to keep cool. I am today doing a deep clean to rid our environment of this chemical but feeling so badly.

I took him over to a VCA clinic and Dr. Wallace ordered a blood panel and the results are not too bad. But there was one concern that made him suggest that possible a liver shunt had formed.

I really need another opinion from a holistic point of view. I did mention the pesticide to Dr Wallace and he was not able to talk about that as an influence to this problem.

Charlie is also on drinking water proposed to be higher alkaline content. His diet consists of Fromm’s Senior Gold for one meal and a raw frozen formula along with fresh fruit and a green of some sort the rest of the day. He weighs 20 pounds. Gets a nice walk in the evening or morning. He hasn’t had another episode to my knowledge and acts fairly perky.

Thank you for advice. I do hope you will order a copy of the blood panel from Dr Wallace, 253-9647 and then set an appointment.

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