by Rebecca Nichol
(Green Bay, WI, USA)

both eyes appear this way

both eyes appear this way

both eyes appear this way

Mia up close at ASPCA walk

Our dog is acting strange. Usually she jumps up and down off the bed, couch, truck, you name it. Over the last two months we have noticed her sleeping on the floor instead of with us in the bed. We took her for a ride in the truck and I had to lift that 85 pound body out of the truck because I could not get her to jump out.

Mia is a four year old rough collies pure breed. She shows no noticeable pain. I ran my hands up and down her legs and back and checked the pads of her feet and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

The only thing we noticed is that she seems depressed, not as active. She has a 6 year old collie sister who she usually pounds on and chases for fun everyday. Now she just lays around on the floor.

Even when she tries to get on the couch she puts her front legs up first and then walks up with her hind, it is not a jump. She can also go up and down our two story stair case just fine. She just doesn't do the croutch-jump action.

As I was looking through the pics, I realized she has not rolled on her back in a long time and she used to do that every night. She eats and drinks just fine and is happy as can be when she goes to the bathroom outside. It just seems like there is pain somewhere I can not find.

I finally gave her some aspirin the other night and she seemed 60% better in the leaping department. But the other night I noticed the outer area of her eyes had turned a blood red color.

She hasn't gotten into anything that I know of, and does not stick her head out of the car window. She is current on all her shots.

I have a vet appointment for Wednesday which was the soonest I could get her in. I would spend my last penny on her if it would make her feel better, but money is so tight right now I thought you might have an idea about what the problem could be.

The vet wants poo samples blood, work ups, everything. Do you think this is too much or should I just get her back x-rayed for now?

Do you think the eye problem is a separate issue, or a sign of something worse?

Comments for Dog Acting Strange

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Nov 23, 2010My Online Vet Response for Dog Acting Strange
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Rebecca,
From the photos you sent of Mia, with the deep red color of her sclera and obvious reluctance to jump up, I would suspect abdominal pain.

You did not include a photo of her gums. If her gums are also a deep red color, you should notify the vet clinic that Mia should be seen as soon as possible.

Peritonitis, toxins, liver inflammation and autoimmune diseases can have these symptoms. You would need to have both x-rays and blood work done to obtain a diagnosis (and possibly an ultra sound).

Then depending on the diagnosis, seeking the help of a holistic veterinarian for treatment would be the best option.

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the 'click here to add your own comments' link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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Nov 08, 2014dog acting strange
by: mary

My dog Alfie has the exact same symptoms as Rebbaca,hes been through so much in the last 8 weeks hes had blood tests for cushings which came back negative also a scan of hi abdomin which showed he has pancreatis afte all this I noticed he was bumping into things and noticed his eyes were all bloodshot the vet cant find anything wrong with his eyes but gave me drops which are helping. He is just not his normal self and.Although he is insured it has cost us alot of money.I would give my last penny to make him better but every time I take him to the vet he gives me knew medication which mounts up. Is there anything I can give him myself to try and make him better I am so worried about him

Nov 09, 2014My Online Vet Response for: Dog Acting Strange
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

November 8, 2014

Hi Mary,
Thanks for your question.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog's Alfie's problems. I'm happy to help, but we only accept new questions from subscribers (the original question above was from a subscriber).

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