by Sue
(Jemison Al.)

Does my dog have anxiety? He’s a little bit crazy, but I love him.

My Great Dane had not been fed properly before I got him, but other than that seemed well adjusted.

It wasn’t till I tried to take him places that he had a terrible phobia of vehicles. After 2 years I finally could take him for rides after a lot of working on the fun to go bye-bye thing, but he still doesn’t like to be left alone in the car for very long.

He also chews on one of his lower legs. And other odd behaviors he exhibits are acting like his tongue doesn’t fit in his mouth or like there’s a hair in his mouth does this one a lot, and stands on the bed and kinda stands not necessarily rubs under some clothes that hang there.

He also doesn’t like you to lay your legs across him when sleeping like all the other dogs like, but I can understand that one a little.

If this is anxious behavior what can I use for it? Or does he just need a good doggy psychologist? He does live with other dogs which he gets along with and does these things whether I’m there or not.

Comments for Does My Dog Have Anxiety?

Feb 05, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Does My Dog Have Anxiety?
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Sue,
From your description of his behavior, yes he does have some anxiety. It sounds like you have worked with him quite a bit though. Since he will tolerate going for a ride in a car, but does not want to be left alone in the car…this shows definite anxiety.

You did not mention where you adopted him from? Was he was a stray that was abandoned, or from an animal shelter, or from a family that could not keep him anymore? Any of these scenarios can contribute to HUGE anxiety problems. Diligent behavior modification, and disciplining can help lessen the severity.

Other signs and symptoms of dog anxiety like chewing on himself/his lower leg or acting like he has a hair in his mouth, will require a visit to a veterinarian for a physical exam.

A physical exam will help to rule out allergies, lick granuloma, or joint pain. Also, check the inside of his mouth, especially under the tongue, to look for cysts, epulis growths or anything else that might be causing irritation. I would also advise a blood panel to make sure he does not have any deficiencies, especially since you wrote that when you first got him he had not been fed properly.

A holistic veterinarian would be able to help suggest some ‘natural’ calming agents such as Rescue Remedy, and/or ProCalm (L-Theanine)

And a dog trainer/behaviorist will help to outline a plan to modify his behavior using discipline and positive rewards with treats.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
Dog Anxiety
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Behavioral Issues Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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