Chiro helped Chow after ACL tear

by Kayla (Canada) We decided to not give surgery after our 1 and half year Chow had an ACL tear. We looked into different methods and decided to give Chiropractic therapy a go. She had her first treatment two and a half months later after she started using her leg...

Canine Physical Therapy in North Aurora, IL (CPR)

by Monica (Naperville, IL ) Dog Hydro-Therapy After ACL Surgery My 6 year old Wheaten Terrier, Maggie, tore her ACL and had surgery. I decided to forgo the $3200 TPLO surgery and instead opted for the $1400 Extracapsular surgery. I also decided it would be a good idea...

Animal Physical Therapy for Dogs

Recent research confirms that animal physical therapy works just as well as physical therapy for humans! Thinking back to beloved family pets that suffered serious injuries or grew too old too fast, we can’t help but imagine the improved life they might have been...