by Brandy

Canine warts?

Canine warts?

Canine warts?

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Our 11 year old Chihuahua developed bumps on her face, specifically above her lip on her left side, about 1 1/2 months ago. At first, they were very small and not really notacible. Then, the hair fell out in an area about the size of a quarter.

Now, the hair is completely gone. The quarter sized bumps have grown to a half-dollar size and they are now starting along her lower lip as well. They have cauliflowered and when we bathe her, they seem to go down, almost as if swollen and the swelling reduces, only to come back bigger.

Is this canine warts? If not, any idea what it could be? Can we treat this holistically with Vitamin E?

Comments for Bumps on Dog’s Face

Apr 16, 2011My Online Vet Response for Bumps on Dog’s Face
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Brandy,
From the photos you sent of your 11 year old Chihuahua, it does not look like warts. It is more likely to be a fungal infection.

Minor fungal infections like ringworm are more common in young dogs or cats with an immature immune system. In Florida, with the high humidity, molds and moist soils, a dog sniffing in the ground outside will easily pick up an infection on the muzzle or around the mouth or nose.

These are more ‘serious’ fungus infections and in an older dog are usually due to a suppressed immune system. This can be from too many vaccinations, a more serious underlying disease, such as diabetes, liver disease or kidney problem.

Please take your Chihuahua in for a thorough exam to look inside the mouth, at the gums, tongue, and to evaluate if the lymph nodes are swollen in the neck or throat area. Also, have a fungal culture, or even a sample taken of the tissue for a diagnosis.

There is no easy ‘holistic’ treatment that can be done, unless we know the nature of the problem. Your veterinarian should ALSO do a complete blood test and a urinalysis, to rule out any possible underlying illness that may have caused the immune system to weaken.

In the meantime, I would advise NO MORE vaccinations (this may have affected the immune system) and improving the diet, see our page on 10 Best Dog Food options, NO DRY DOG FOOD. Either canned or home prepared food would be best. You may also consider one of the raw dog food diets.

Improve the immune system by adding some supplements such as Immuplex from Standard Process, open and sprinkle 1/4-1/3 capsule on the food two times daily. And also OrthoMolecular Specialties, Mega C Powder – order the 226 gm bottle, and add 1/8-1/10 tsp to the food two times daily. (Mega C is a multi-vit mineral supplement and is very high in Buffered Vit C).

You may consider a holistic vet for some alternative treatments, depending on the final diagnosis.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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