by Rachael
(El Paso, TX)

Kiki's Growth with Tape Measure

Kiki’s Growth with Tape Measure

Kiki's Growth with Tape Measure

Kiki's Growth - Photo 2

Kiki's Growth - Photo 3


This growth on my dog Kiki’s belly appeared first as a small red line-type mark years ago. Would disappear for a year or so then reappear at the same size. Then about 3 yrs ago the red mark gradually turned dark grayish black, remaining a small, flat-line type mark (no fluid inside).

Now this area is raised with a smooth, thin blister-type membrane and is filled with blood. The size seems larger to me – the growth is approx 1/3 inch long and 1/4 inch wide – perhaps due to raised and filled with blood. The growth is pliable, soft & sits on top her skin.

It doesn’t appear to be attached. There is no solid mass beneath the “growth”; It pulls away from her body when the skin is manipulated.

I have drained the growth a few times. Bright red blood drains out with no water or pus. The membrane cover is flat, similar to blister skin when drained. The pin prick made to drain it seals over but within 24 hrs or less the growth has refilled with blood again, same size.

First noticed when I found blood spotting on her bedding several weeks ago. Kiki doesn’t bother this area, no licking, scratching. There is no pain or irritation for her when I touch the growth. I rub her belly and that’s all she thinks is being done.

Kiki is a 10 1/2 year old spayed female Basset Hound. She eats a diet of dry dog food with some snacks. Gets teeth cleaned when required, nails cut frequently. No health issues.

Was operated on when approx 11 mos due to swallowing 2 rocks which blocked up inside her, no complications from surgery, routine recovery. No repeated “rock” behavior.

Takes glucosamine/chondroitin daily. She weighs 43 lbs. ranges in weight from 42-44 lbs. She’s active, plays daily, very vocal.

Lives indoors primarily. But is outdoors numerous times daily . Plays with our other dogs every day. Happy, Sweet, even temperament.

Any insight you can give me would be appreciated. Thank You.

Comments for Blood-Filled Growth on Dog’s Abdomen

Jun 25, 2014My Online Vet Response For: Blood-Filled Growth on Dog’s Abdomen
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

June 25, 2014

Hi Rachael,
Since this has been on Kiki’s belly for years, I doubt it is cancerous. But now that it is starting to enlarge, this may mean that it is something more serious, or it may be due to trauma, from Kiki laying on it. (I am not sure where it is located on her belly). And the more that you drain it, the more irritation you will cause, and make it potentially grow larger.

From the pictures you sent, it does not look like a cancerous growth, but seeing it ‘in person’ you might get a better opinion, from seeking the help of a holistic veterinarian.

I can tell you that skin tags, warts, ‘blood filled blisters’, etc. are due to vaccinations. Vaccines lead to a condition in holistic medicine, called, ‘vaccinosis’ which is characterized by the development of warts, skin tumors, and cancers.

Flea and tick products will affect the immune system and cause vaccinosis to worsen, so growths increase in size. A DRY food diet is NOT healthy enough to support a strong immune system and help Kiki ‘fight’ vaccinosis.

1. See our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options, and consider a RAW diet for her.

2. Use natural flea/tick products like EVOLV from

3. Give her the homeopathic remedy called, Thuya (Thuja occidentalis) 30C potency. One pellet by mouth one time daily for 3 days. DO NOT touch the pellets with your fingers. Take cap off the vial, turn the vial upside down and twist the end to drop one pellet into the cap. The pull out the side of Kiki’s lip, and pour in the pellet.

4. Report back to me in 3 weeks with a progress report. (keep your ruler handy!)

5. Seek the help of a holistic veterinarian for an exemption from all vaccinations, including Rabies. Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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