by Nikki

My female blue heeler is only 10 months. For nearly 3 months she’s suffered eye problems that have been up and down (better but then worse). At the moment it’s at it’s worst and not healing. In the beginning one eye only was bad, then the other eye, now both eyes.

Initially her eyes where healed by using special eye drops. The vet could not find any sign of scratches or foreign object. The eye condition came back and has never been completely healed with the same cream. My dog has been to the vet multiple times, and has been sedated for a good look into the eye, but with no clear results on what is the problem.

It was suspected the new puppy, jumping all over her, had irritated the eye. A few weeks ago with another vet visit they found a scratch on one of the eyes, however both eyes are sore, just the scratched eye much more red and inflamed, and almost constantly closed (except for when she wants to play and is focusing on chasing a bird or the ball where she forcefully opens it as much as possible, which is less than 50%).

The vet could not spot any hairs growing on the inside of the eyelid, however yesterday I was able to see an eye specialist (who is only in town once a month) who spotted an extremely small hair growing on the inside of her closed eye (same eye with the scratch and ulcer). He couldn’t spot anything in the other eye, and I questioned why it was so red, had been worse previously, and clearly painful for her – he said there could be tiny hairs there also but couldn’t see them.

She is booked in tomorrow for the hair to be removed. I am unsure why both eyes are sore, when a hair SO small (and potentially some smaller than the one which could be seen under extreme magnification) could be present and causing such an issue.

She has been on, and still is on Tricin Eye Ointment, but no true signs of healing (scratched eye only). She is also taking Doxycycline 2 x day (stopped now that we have a diagnosis).

I have taken her to a holistic vet who confirms a scratch on one eye as well as ulcer, and thought it may be an allergy (most likely environmental, possibly seasonal). I have given her Aconitum Napellus and Euphrasia Officinalis TM topical eye drops (I stopped using after the first dose as she had them closed permanently as soon as the drops went in, and they turned very red).

Following day I tried Belladonna 30C, no results from that. I was told it could be the hair growing on the inner eyelid if non of this treated.

In hope of trying something else (before I was able to see the specialist), I tried Mercury Sol 30C, Ignatic 200C (me and my partner had gone overseas) and Apis 30C. For two days I made a Korskoff Dilution, today as well, but not sure if I was able to get a decent amount of eye fluid or if it’s coming together properly (my first time).

Since seeing the specialist, I have discontinued all homeopathic and am only giving the eye cream for lubrication and antibiotic to prevent any infection. I was thinking of trying blood serum drops for the ulcer, but when the specialist said the ulcer wont go away until the hair is removed I presumed this wouldn’t help.

I hope for some further advice to take and possibilities for what is happening. Both eyes have been very sore, the problem is clearly chronic, only the most smallest spec of hair is spotted and causing so much problem in one eye, I don’t know about the other – and if under surgery they don’t spot anything then I’m unsure what’s causing the irritation in that eye. I can consult the specialist tomorrow before she goes into surgery, maybe some advice on questions to ask could be helpful.

My dog is in pain, sleeps most of the day but is playful whenever I go outside. It’s really hot here, probably why she sleeps most of the day as well. I think her overall health is good, just her eyes are a big discomfort.

Side note, the attached picture which is very red and inflamed is forcefully opening her scratched eye which is most inflamed and probably is more inflamed in that picture because of the forced opening, it doesn’t look like that when naturally opened. Also there is a slight bump under the eye. The white part of both her eyes are red, with a blue/grey area at the edge before the pupil.

Comments for Unknown Chronic Painful Dog Eye Condition along with Eye Scratch & Ulcer

Jan 24, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Unknown Chronic Painful Dog Eye Condition along with Eye Scratch & Ulcer
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Nikki,
You wrote,
“My female blue heeler is only 10 months. For nearly 3 months she’s suffered eye problems…”

If this problem started when she was only 7 months old, then perhaps it started after a vaccination? Or after being spayed?

A thorough exam under anesthesia is probably a good idea to rule out ingrown eyelashes or indolent ulcer on the cornea. Once that is determined, then deciding on which appropriate homeopathic remedy will be easier to narrow down. Also taking into account if this started after a vaccination, or after being spayed.

Repertorizing, and listing, ALL of her symptoms,
1. Conjunctiva, inflammation
2. Inflammation, chronic
3. Inflammation from foreign body
4. Inflammation, recurrent
5. Inflammation in young animals
6. Eye, pain
7. Eye, photophobia
8. Eyes, red
9. Cornea, inflammation
10. After vaccination

The top three remedies are Arsenicum, Calcarea and Sulphur. After a vaccination, the only remedy listed is Thuya.

To narrow it down further, one would need to match her ‘personality’ to the remedy. For example, if she is nervous and shy (arsenicum), or extroverted and friendly (Calcarea or sulphur). What are her likes and dislikes, her temperature preferences (if she is chilly:Ars; or hot:Sulph), is she thirsty (Ars), food preferences-picky eater (Sulph) or ravenous appetite (Calcarea), etc. Also, to take into account if this occurred after a vaccination was given (Thuya).

In general, corneal lesions respond well to Silicea, and conjunctival inflammation is best treated with Calcarea.

For now, I think that it would be best to find out what your veterinarian discovers upon exam of the eye.

And in the meantime, she may need to have proparacaine drops applied into her eyes every 4-6 hours as needed. This is NOT holistic, but a topical anesthetic to help STOP the pain and give her some relief. Your veterinarian should be able to prescribe a bottle for you.


Jan 24, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Unknown Chronic Painful dog Eye Condition along with Eye Scratch & Ulcer
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Hi Nikki,
Here is the rest of my response.

The best plan, of course, would be to seek the help of a local holistic veterinarian to help treat her! And also to feed her the BEST quality food, NO DRY DOG food. See our page on 10 Best Dog Food Options and especially consider a RAW diet.

She may also benefit from Missing Link Canine Formula.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
Dog Eye Problems,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Eye Problems Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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