by Melody

Our 1-year old lab has a small red wart-like growth about half an inch above his right eye. The growth is about 2 mm in diameter.

The growth was noticed 5 days ago as a tiny bump and as since grown to the the size it is now.

Would love to get at-home treatment recommendations.

Comments for Small Red Wart-Like Growth Above Dog’s Eye

Dec 09, 2013“My Online Vet Response to: Small Red Wart-Like Growth Above Dog’s Eye”
by: Dr. Lisa Brienen

Dear Melody, Based on your dog’s age this is very likely a benign (not bad) tumor called a histiocytoma – so not a bad thing and these usually go away on their own over 1-2 months. It may also be a follicular or sebaceous cyst – also benign. If it grows very large or is worrisome you can have your vet do a fine needle aspirate to make a more precise diagnosis.

I often give a homeopathic remedy for individuals with this type of growth. You can try homeopathic Thuja 30C from your health food store. You can place 2-3 pellets of the remedy into your dog’s mouth. Or the pellets may be mixed into some water on a spoon and tipped into his mouth. I would repeat one more dose 12 hours later –but do not continue to give. There are other remedy options for skin growths and you may want to consult a veterinary homeopath ( for further help regarding this nodule.

“Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below”

Sincerely, Dr. Lisa Brienen

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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