Does high fiber dog food have the same impact on dogs as a high fiber diet for you and me?

You bet it does, and then some! 

This page will discuss…

  • Benefits of a high fiber diet
  • Good sources of fiber for your dog’s diet
  • Recommended high fiber food

Safety Warning: Before we get into the benefits of a high fiber diet, good sources of fiber and recommended high fiber food, keep in mind that too much fiber can be a bad thing.  It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before implementing a new diet for your dog.

Benefits of a High Fiber Dog Food Diet

When considering whether to switch to a high fiber diet, it’s really all about your dog’s gastrointestinal system.  More fiber could be your dog’s answer for:

  • Dog obesity – Ingredients that are high in fiber are typically low in calories, so feeding your dog high fiber food will cause them to feel “fuller” but without the calories that go along with normal food.
  • Dog constipation symptoms – The more “bulky” your dog’s feces, the more stimulated your dog’s intestines become which helps to clear up constipation.  Since fiber absorbs moisture and causes more bulk, it is very effective towards normalizing this process.
  • Blood Sugar Control & Dog Diabetes – Some forms of high fiber food will slow down the sugar uptake in your dog’s intestines.
  • Anal Gland Disease in Dogs – Have you ever seen your dog “scoot” their rear end on the floor after going to the bathroom?  This is especially common in smaller breeds and is often done because their anal glands – two small glands next to the anus that secrete fluids to aid in your dog’s bowel movements – are impacted, infected or abscessed.  Bulkier stools caused by a high fiber diet will put pressure on these glands and will often improve the problem.

Sources of Dog Food Fiber

The easiest way to increase the amount of fiber into your dog’s diet is to buy an organic high fiber dog food.

And the “organic” part is extremely important… some non-organic commercial dog foods get their fiber from bad places such as hair or even newspaper!

Other good sources of fiber for your dog include:

  • Apple and tomato pomace
  • Beet pulp
  • Citrus pulp
  • Oat bran
  • Rice
  • Rice bran
  • Soybean hulls
  • Wheat

Recommended High Fiber Products

The Missing Link Plus Canine Formula is the best high fiber dog food we have found. Simply add it to your natural organic dog food of choice as indicated on the label’s instructions.

We also recommend supplementing your dog’s diet with Natural Moves from PetAlive.  It contains the herb psyllium nigrum which has been used for centuries to support regular bowel movements. It also helps to maintain cholesterol levels within the normal range and supports cardiovascular health.

As with any high fiber product (or the introduction of any new food for that matter), start with small amounts and gradually increase to the recommended level over the course of a week or two. As indicated on the label, some animals may benefit even more if you feed them double the recommended amount for the first 90 days AFTER the adjustment period. The daily intake can be divided into two or more servings if desired.

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