If you’re little buddy has a dog yeast infection, chances are it’s in her ear… 90% of yeast infections occur there.

A yeast infection is a simple skin condition that is caused by Malessezia dermatitis, a fungal infection that forms an excessive build-up of yeast in one particular area of the body.

Fortunately, there is a perfectly safe and natural cure that will eliminate your dog’s unpleasant symptoms.

  • How to determine if your dog has a yeast infection
  • Common causes
  • Holistic treatments for yeast infections
  • Preventing future yeast infections in your dog

How to Determine the Presence of a Dog Yeast Infection

Most of us view our dogs as part of the family and feel we know them as well as we know our spouse or child. If you feel this way, you are already on the right track to determining whether or not your dog is suffering from a dog yeast infection.

What does knowing your dog have to do with diagnosing a dog yeast infection? Here’s an example…

If you know that your dog is usually very energetic and rarely a consistent scratcher then you will probably realize that something is wrong if your dog begins to mope around and scratch her ear frequently.

The better you know and understand your pet, the easier it will be to spot a problem before it becomes too serious.

If you notice a change in your dog, determine if a dog ear yeast infection is the culprit by examining the ear for:

  • Crustiness around the center of the ear
  • Discharge
  • Foul smell
  • Redness
  • Shaking of the head
  • Swelling

Note: The common symptoms of a dog ear yeast infection can mimic those of a dog that has contracted ear mites or has something stuck far inside the ear. Your vet will be able to determine the difference between these issues.

Common behaviors of a dog suffering from a dog yeast infection of the ear include:

  • Moping around with noticeably less energy
  • Rubbing the ear on the carpet or furniture
  • Scratching the ear excessively
  • Shaking of the head
  • Whining

If you have observed your dog’s strange behavior or symptoms, get him to the vet as soon as possible. The yeast infection can worsen if it goes untreated, so the sooner the better for your dog and your brand new oriental rug!

What are Common Causes of a Dog Yeast Infection of the Ear?

There are a number of possible contributors to yeast growing in the ear of your dog:

Antibiotics:  A dog ear yeast infection can be caused by common antibiotics.  Your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic to treat one bacterial infection, and that antibiotic may in turn cause another.  Be wary of this when your vet prescribes an antibiotic and always remember there are usually holistic alternatives.

Dark and moist areas of the body: Yeast thrives in moist, dark environments, which makes the ears of all our beloved “floppy eared dogs” a perfect growing spot. If your dog has floppy ears, frequently use a wet wipe or natural ear cleaner to keep them as clean as possible. Halo’s Herbal Natural Ear Wash Solution is a great option.

See our Dog Ear Cleaning Solution & Tips page to learn how to clean ears properly.

Low immune system: In the end, healthy dogs will always have a greater chance at fighting off illness and disease. It is the same with a dog yeast infection. Yeast takes advantage of an unhealthy dog that may not have to best diet, exercise and bathing routine. Give your dog a fighting chance against yeast by keeping them healthy!

For an immune system boost, check out these daily dog dietary supplements.

Scratched or wounded areas: An ear that has been scratched or wounded is more susceptible to excessive yeast growth. Check your dog’s ears often for scratches or wounds. If one is spotted, do your best to keep it clean.

Holistic Treatments for a Dog Yeast Infection

Your first step to treating your dog’s yeast infection is to have it diagnosed by your veterinarian. If your dog is suffering from ear mites or a particle lodged in the ear, it is important to have that treated by a professional.

If your veterinarian diagnoses a dog yeast infection, you are safe to go ahead and try some at-home holistic treatments…

dog yeast infection
  1. First, try cleaning the dog’s ear with a diluted white vinegar treatment. Dilute the vinegar in water, pour a small amount into the dog’s ear and gently massage the outer part of the ear. Wipe away any extra that may seep out of the ear canal.  Doing this once a day may help to clear up your dog’s yeast infection and doing so weekly may help to prevent future infections.
    1. There are certain herbs that help cure and prevent the overgrowth of yeast in the body:
    • Rosemary and Tea Tree oil work as topical pain relievers for inflammation and as a natural disinfectant for wounds caused by repetitive ear scratching. Ear Dr. from PetAlive contains both along with Marigold (good for the skin) and Verbascum Thapsus (commonly used in ear drops to promote ear health).
    • Acidophilus helps promote a healthy balance of flora in the stomach, which will help prevent the overgrowth of yeast in the body.  Acidophilus is found in a pill form and also in yogurt.
    • Vitamin C for Dogs is a proven anti-oxidant that can help to regulate the growth of yeast in the body.

How to Prevent Future Dog Yeast Infections

Follow these tips to help prevent a future dog ear yeast infection:

  • Keep the ear and the area around the ear as clean as possible.  See our Dog Ear Cleaning Solution & Tips page to learn how to do it safely and effectively.
  • Consider using Ear Dr. as mentioned above.  In addition to curing an ear yeast infection, it also works well as a preventative measure.
  • Help your dog maintain consistent health will help to prevent yeast infections from occurring.  A healthy, balanced dog food diet along with plenty of exercise and regular vet visits should do the trick.
  • Boost your dog’s immune system with adequate dog dietary supplements.
  • Keep your dog well groomed.  It will proactively fight against bacterial ear infections.

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