by Nichole
(Oakley, Ca USA )

I think my puppy may have pink eye. She has crust all around her right eye and it is draining a thick, mucus-like substance. Doesn’t seen to be itching her badly. Her eye itself is a little pink/red.

I adopted her on Saturday and right away she was digging at her ears. I took her to the vet on Sunday evening and she was diagnosed with yeast in her ears. They had to flush her ears out just to look inside because it was so bad in her ears.

They sent me home with a medication called Remicin ointment. It contains Gentamicin Sulfate, Betamethasone, and clotrimazole. I am to use it twice daily for 7 days. She has been on it now for 3 days.

Her ears do look a lot better. They were very red before and I don’t see her scratching at her ears as much as before.

Can she either be having an allergic reaction to the medication or can the infection in her ears be affecting her eye?

Also, on Saturday I took her to a vaccine clinic and she got 2 vaccines. Rabies and the parvo/distemper combo vaccine.

My puppy is 5 months old and weighs 34 pounds. I have pink eye medication left over from when my kids had it a while back. I’m unsure if it’s safe to use on her.

Thank you

Comments for Does My Puppy Have Pink Eye?

Mar 07, 2014My Online Vet Response for: Does My Puppy Have Pink Eye?
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

March 6, 2014

Hi Nichole,
Your pictures do not show up very well on the screen, so it is difficult for me to tell if your puppy has ‘pink eye’ (bacterial/viral conjunctivitis) or not. From what you describe, your new puppy had a lot of things happen to her in a short span of time.

Adoption on Saturday, vaccinations on Saturday, diagnosed with yeast ear infection on Sunday. If she has been scratching at her ears, she may have scratched her eye. Or she may have transferred some of the ear medicine into her eye. Other factors to consider, the Distemper/Parvo vaccine also contains the virus for Para-Influenza, which causes Kennel cough. This affects the respiratory system, and can also cause an eye discharge.

My suggestion for you, would be to take her to a your veterinarian, or perhaps a holistic veterinarian, for a more complete check-up and exam of her eye, and recheck of her ears.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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